Guess what? When you take action, shit happens. Isn't that crazy?
I don't think most people are truly 100% happy with every single aspect of their life. Thats normal. There is always something to improve on, something to attain or accomplish. I do however, believe that most people are a lot of talk and very little to no action. Whose fault is it that there has been no progression in your life? Yours. Guess what, again? Nothing and no one will change that. You must change that. You must change YOU.
A lot of us feel the need to have a plan, put it on paper, wait for this to happen, wait for that to happen. The stars are never going to fucking align, really. They only ever seemed to be aligning because action was probably being taken so shit was happening. Hey, I am absolutely guilty of that too. And lately, for me its been waiting to find someone to hold me accountable for certain things. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who is there to babysit, what you fucking write down and what steps you brainstorm will be the best to take because you'll end up with a million pieces of paper, a million drafts and wait a million more minutes or days or weeks, months and years- and nothing will happen, it will mean NOTHING--- if you dont actually take ACTION. I think some how it makes us feel better to have a "plan." Whatever that means to you, however specific or vague it is. Don't get me wrong, you SHOULD know and you should have direction. But ultimately, on paper or not, you already freaking know it! Its in your head so what does doing anything else with that plan have anything to do with what you already KNOW. Take what you know, what you want to do, what you want to accomplish and go and fucking DO IT. The issue is rarely anything else besides the fact that people simply do not pursue the things they want, need, should. I believe that people want to. They realllly really want to and they realllllly do want the things they want. I do. So what's holding you back?! Maybe you need to change what it is you want to pursue because it might not be right and so you're not as motivated (whether it has to do with a person, career, personal growth, body and health etc). Maybe you need to change who you are surrounding yourself with because they not driven or may be unsupportive. OR maybe you just need to change your mindset. Because regardless of all external circumstances- the most powerful and controllable one of them all, is YOU and what you do with yourself. We do all of these other little things along the way, or while we are waiting- because it comforts us. COMFORT doesn't equal progress. For some people, its more fun and its EASIER to just talk about it and fantasize and be in this really awesome dreamworld where anything is possible, the world is at your finger tips and you shall conquer it and be the best person you can be because you should! OH MY GOSH it SOUNDS so amazing, it FEELS SO amazing so lets live in the clouds forever because god forbid if you take any action you might fail and feel something else other than spaceclouddisneylandworld................................or you just talk about it so you SOUND good and people will perceive you to be this well rounded and driven person and sound like you really know what the fuck you're doing. But you dont, because you haven't DONE shit.
I'm not perfect. Im writing this shit to myself too!! There are other things that I am working on, things that I need to be more consistent about and even just DO..I was talking to a friend about how I want to do it daily and I know I really should but I don't. So mayyyybbbe, it will be helpful to have a friend check up on me every week and see how things went and if I actually did anything. I came to the conclusion that- it doesnt really fucking matter at all. I just need to DO IT. And do it for MYSELF because I DESIRE TO- not because I have to answer to someone. Ok honestly, its good to have accountability haha....I mean, it sucks when someone asks you how things are going with whatever it is you are working on- and you say you didn't do much of anything- it just burns more to say it out loud and especially to another person. So its a form of motivation. BUUTTTTT It shouldn't take that to get you to do something......heres how accountability is GOOD and why/when you need support----once you are already ON TRACK- then accountability will help you to STAY on track. You freaking get the point I'm making here.
This is harsher than what/how I normally write. Its harsh in general. Normally, I feel that communicating truthfully with some compassion, conviction and love is pretty effective. People are usually receptive to that delivery. BUT, sometimes, people just need the straight up brutal truth. They need a reality check or a good fucking reminder. I gave myself this good fucking reminder earlier so now I'm giving it to you.
With this whole bodybuilding thing. I didnt write a single thing down. Except for my training plan AFTER I actually took initiative and did my research, contacted nickie and WENT TO THE GYM with her. And I've been taking my ass there every day, twice a day, on my own ever since......and will continue to!
You know why I am writing this? Because I believe with all of my heart that each of us are capable of attaining anything it is that we desire in this world. ANYTHING. You have insane resources. You might not think you have anything that great- but open up your mind creative- you have a million resources. You CAN, you are ABLE. You have a mind, a body, a heart, a soul. MOVE AND USE ALL OF THOSE MUSCLES. DO IT!